View Profile Dela

38 Movie Reviews

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Again, Brilliant.

I'm not sure you're actually capable of making a bad flash. Seriously.

Graphics: 10/10. Well, it was just.. perfect.

Style 10/10. Never seen anything like this before.

Sound. 10/10. I heard everything Crystal clear. I'm not sure why people are complaining in the reviews. Maybe its because they can't understand you're accent =/. Probably, they're just retarded. Everyone: Lay off the mic, because it was FINE.

Violence: 3/10. Shouting :D

Interactivity: 10/10. A play button and a replay button were all that was needed.

Humour. 10/10. Roflmao.

Overall, you can see this honestly did take you 2 months of solid work. It was absolutely fantastic; And would be CRIMINAL if you don't receive a Daily place for this.

Perfect. 10/10, 5/5. n_n

~From your apprentice, Dela.

DJJ-asshole responds:

Thanks Archie, btw, you're in the credits =D. Well ehm, the review really made me happy, but it's sad that no one thinks like you =/

A mediocre Cliché

When you next decide to make a flash, make it an original concept- Something that hasn't been done before. The comedy wasn't there, because it wasn't funny. I suggest you make your own characters, and make beautiful animations. Mario, is not your path to success.

Anyway, I can see you tried hard, good luck in your future endeavours.

bman1003011 responds:

well, thanks. I'm not a good drawer though so I haven't a clue what I should do if I make a non sprite movie

blown away

This has the greatest graphics on a flash, that i have ever witnessed. I am certain that you will become a proffesional animator, if not, you already are.


an awesome flash of randomness, with cool graphics. Probably THE best random flash i have ever seen.
keep it up! =D



DJJ-asshole responds:

Thanks mate!

WOW, simply perfection

that really was an absolutely amazing piece of (flash) art. the flash fitted perfectly to the music, bravo
tell me; is everyone that works for disney this good?


that was bloody fantastic. everything about it was flawless, apart from, ITS PICO DAY!!!!! did you forget?????? i think you should probably submit this another day, cos the focus is all on Pico. brilliant flash, loved it, the style was bold, and vibrant. very well done.

Gotta love anime

the cat-aspect of it was a nice touch.
(and yes, you can tell it was done by a girl ;) )

friend-of-emu responds:

yep! :)

one word


Yo sup. I'm archie, (alias is dela). Wanna know all about me? Then fucking pm me.

Age 32, Male




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